Instructions / Circulars / Orders

  • Division:
  • Office:
  • From:
  • To:
  • Console:
  • Subject:
S.No. Branch Circular / Instn. / O.O. No.
Subject Publish Date Console Sl. No.
101 PMD 10-12-2024 SOP for handling of Encroachment of ESIC Properties Land parcels Buildings-reg. size:(82.11 KB) .
Enclosure size:(44.75 KB) .
2024-12-10 19085/2024
102 RC Cell 10-12-2024 Rate Revision under DGESIC Rate Contract 156-reg. size:(832.06 KB) .
2024-12-10 19082/2024
103 PC Cell 10-12-2024 Standard specifications of equipment ‘Adult ACLS Ventilator Mannequin’ for utilization by User units ESIC Institutions - reg size:(76.22 KB) .
Enclosure size:(584.04 KB) .
2024-12-10 19081/2024
104 Rev.II 10-12-2024 Data Cleansing Updating Employer data-reg size:(80.49 KB) .
2024-12-10 19080/2024
105 E.I 09-12-2024 Office Order No. 187 Of 2024 size:(82.26 KB) .
2024-12-09 19062/2024
106 MED-VI 06-12-2024 Revision of Manpower of ESIC Model Hospital Rohini as per New Human Resource Norms for ESIC Hospitals and Dispensaries. size:(520.55 KB) .
2024-12-06 19047/2024
107 Procell 06-12-2024 Standard specifications of equipment ‘HLA Luminex Platform System for HLA Typing and DSA Detection’ for utilization by User unitsESIC Institutions - reg size:(74.99 KB) .
Enclosure 1 size:(655.94 KB) .
2024-12-06 19043/2024
108 Procell 06-12-2024 Standard specifications of equipment ‘Anaesthesia Work Station’ and ‘OT Table’ for utilization by User unitsESIC Institutions - reg size:(75.09 KB) .
Enclosure 1 size:(229.04 KB) .
Enclosure 2 size:(400.36 KB) .
2024-12-06 19042/2024
109 MED-VI 06-12-2024 Revision of Manpower of ESIC Model Hospital Peenya as per New Human Resource Norms for ESIC Hospitals and Dispensaries. size:(712.58 KB) .
2024-12-06 19041/2024
110 Procell 06-12-2024 Standard specifications of equipment ‘Erbium GlassQswitch Nd yagdye laser’ for utilization by User unitsESIC Institutions - reg size:(75.40 KB) .
Enclosure size:(572.42 KB) .
2024-12-06 19040/2024

Last updated / Reviewed : 2025-01-22



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