Instructions / Circulars / Orders

  • Division:
  • Office:
  • From:
  • To:
  • Console:
  • Subject:
S.No. Branch Circular / Instn. / O.O. No.
Subject Publish Date Console Sl. No.
1 Med.VII 13-02-2025 List of vacant AYUSH posts- reg size:(585.36 KB) .
2025-02-13 19855/2025
2 E.IV 13-02-2025 Grant of Medical Advance for all treatment (OPD and IPD) under CGHS/CS(MA) Rules - clarification regarding size:(194.93 KB) .
Enclosure size:(900.97 KB) .
2025-02-13 19854/2025
3 Med.I 13-02-2025 Approval for bearing 100% expenditure upto ceiling limit by ESIC on the cost of repair/replacement of Cochlear implant to ESI beneficiaries on cashless basis- reg. size:(121.35 KB) .
2025-02-13 19845/2025
4 Med.V 13-02-2025 Instructions for release of pending payment to approved Pharmaceutical Firms under DG-ESIC Central Rate Contract for supply of Drugs-reg. size:(274.24 KB) .
2025-02-13 19844/2025
5 MSU 13-02-2025 Authorization to use the DoP of AC(NTA) by IC (NTA) size:(136.75 KB) .
Schedule of Delegation of Powers of Insurance Commissioner - National Training Academy(NTA) size:(599.91 KB) .
2025-02-13 19843/2025
6 राजभाषा 12-02-2025 कर्मचारी राज्य बीमा निगम अस्पताल, वापी की शाखाओं को राजभाषा नियम 1976 के नियम 8 4 के अंतर्गत विनिर्दिष्ट करने संबंधी आदेश। size:(183.72 KB) .
2025-02-12 19838/2025
7 Med.VI 12-02-2025 Willingness of Medical Officers (Specialists/GDMOs with PG Qualifications) for additional designation as teaching faculty at proposed ESIC Medical Colleges -reg size:(172.53 KB) .
Affidavit size:(381.24 KB) .
Details Of Employee size:(114.66 KB) .
TEQ 2022 size:(1.66 MB) .
2025-02-12 19833/2025
8 Med.VII 10-02-2025 Activation of Online Portal for Paramedical employees in the Cadres of Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Dental Hygienist, Dietician, Sr. Dietician, Medical Record Officer, STA (Radiology) & STA (ECG) in ESIC for Annual General Transfers – Transfer Year 2025 – Regarding, size:(203.50 KB) .
2025-02-10 19809/2025
9 General 10-02-2025 Revision of monetary ceiling for purchase/reimbursement of Briefcase/Office Bag/Ladies Bag – reg. size:(166.18 KB) .
2025-02-10 19806/2025
10 ICT 07-02-2025 Invitation for Industry Consultation for IT Project Panchdeep 2.0 size:(100.55 KB) .
आईटी प्रोजेक्ट पंचदीप 2.0 के लिए उद्योग परामर्श के लिए आमंत्रण size:(106.53 KB) .
2025-02-07 19798/2025

Last updated / Reviewed : 2025-02-15



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