Instructions / Circulars / Orders

  • Division:
  • Office:
  • From:
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  • Console:
  • Subject:
S.No. Branch Circular / Instn. / O.O. No.
Subject Publish Date Console Sl. No.
1 PMD 06-09-2024 Regarding upkeep of the entrance aesthetic of all the ESIC ESIS Establishments.– reg. size:(93.30 KB) .
2024-09-06 18071/2024
2 E.II 06-09-2024 Accomodation of Holiday Home at Darjeeling - reg. size:(157.18 KB) .
2024-09-06 18068/2024
3 राजभाषा 06-09-2024 क.रा.बी. निगम के 33 वें अखिल भारतीय राजभाषा सम्मेलन के कार्यवृत का प्रेषण । size:(6.32 MB) .
2024-09-06 18067/2024
4 E.II 05-09-2024 Accommodation of Holiday Home at Darjeeling size:(157.18 KB) .
2024-09-05 18057/2024
5 General 05-09-2024 Minutes of Meeting with Independent External Monitors 4th in the series and 1st with new IEMs to assess the Implementation of Integrity Pact held on 06-08-2024 at ESIC Headquarters’ Office, New Delhi. size:(162.93 KB) .
2024-09-05 18052/2024
6 राजभाषा 05-09-2024 राजभाषा पखवाड़ा के दौरान आयोजित होने वाली हिंदी प्रतियोगिताओं के प्रश्न-पत्र निर्माण एवं उत्तर-पुस्तिकाओं के मूल्यांकन हेतु मानदेय के संबंध में। size:(1.25 MB) .
राजभाषा पखवाड़ा आयोजन/समापन समारोह के लिए राशि वृद्धि की संस्यीकृति के संबंध में। size:(1.33 MB) .
2024-09-05 18051/2024
7 E.I 04-09-2024 Extension of timelines for recording of APARs for the year 2023-24 in respect of Central Civil Services-reg size:(515.79 KB) .
2024-09-04 18041/2024
8 PC Cell 04-09-2024 Ensuring mandatory adherence to statutory public procurement procedure and latest provisions guidelines of GFR, GeM, CVC, MII, Manual of Procurement of goods updated from time to time by stipulated authorities in equipment procurement. size:(86.08 KB) .
Enclosure size:(5.15 MB) .
2024-09-04 18040/2024
9 E.II 04-09-2024 Calendar for holding the meeting of DPCs for Non-Medical Gr. ‘C’ posts for the year 2025 01.01.2025 to 31.12.2025. size:(108.88 KB) .
2024-09-04 18036/2024
10 राजभाषा 04-09-2024 राजभाषा पखवाड़ा - 2024 के आयोजन के संबंध में। size:(202.97 KB) .
2024-09-04 18029/2024

Last updated / Reviewed : 2024-09-06



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